Friday, May 8, 2020

Correlation between Mantra Chanting and Brain Waves

What is a Mantra?

‘Man’ refers to the mind and contemplation. ‘Tra’ pertains to vital energy and protection. In Sanskrit, the word "Mantra" implies – ‘a liberator of mind’.The word mantra indicates a specific structure of sonic patterns – coded in syllables and vowels, that works as a spiritual tool to liberate the mind from ignorance, illusion and evil instincts.

A mantra is a 'revealed sound.' having a  specific combination of letters or words which have hidden within it a mysterious divine power, to bring about certain results on being used in a particular manner.

The specific configurations of syllables and the corresponding combinations of phonemes in the mantras make the latter powerful ‘carriers’ of the cosmic energy of sound.

Seed Mantra

Certain sounds which cannot be translated into a literal meaning but have the power to create great transformative growth and expansion in humans at the physical, emotional and spiritual levels are known as Seed Mantras or single syllable sounds.

The Bija or seed mantras are one-syllable seed sounds that, when said aloud, activate the energy of the chakras in order to purify & balance the mind & body. When you speak the seed mantras, you resonate with the energy of the associated chakra, helping you focus on your own instinctive awareness of your body & its needs.

The bija mantra activates the deity of the mantra and the specific energy points in the body in a speedy manner. 

Nature of the Mantra

A Mantra can be made up of syllables, a word or a sentence that exert their influence by the means of sound vibrations. 

Every word has a specific weight, shape, size, form, power quality and color. It is a force like gravitation, cohesion or repulsion having a definite frequency, vibration, and energy. A normal human being can perceive only a limited range of sound vibrations because of his limited audibility. Every motion has a vibration and every vibration is having subtle sounds which are inaudible to normal ears.

A mantra is a vital and a living dynamic power, whose persistent and systematic repetition can awaken our latent spiritual urges.

What is Mantra- Shakti or Sound power 

The sound is a kind of energy. Energy is the ability to make something move. Sound energy is produced when something vibrates. When something vibrates, it moves back and forth. This vibrating or sound energy can be heard. The speed of sound is 343 meters per second.

Mantra means a sound, a certain utterance or a syllable. Today, modern science sees the whole existence as reverberations of energy, different levels of vibrations. Where there is a vibration, there is bound to be a sound. So, that means, the whole existence is a kind of sound or a complex amalgamation of sounds – the whole existence is an amalgamation of multiple mantras. Of these, a few mantras or a few sounds have been identified, which could be like keys. If you use them in a certain way, they become a key to open up a different dimension of life and experience within you.

Every sound has a form attached to it. Similarly, every form has a sound attached to it. Every form in the existence is reverberating in a certain way and creates a certain sound.When you utter a sound, a form is being created. There is a whole science using sounds in a particular way so that it creates the right kind of form. We can create powerful forms by uttering sounds in certain arrangements. This is known as the Nada Yoga, the yoga of sound. If you have mastery over the sound you also have mastery of over the form that is attached to it. Sound can not only build forms but can also destroy or disintegrate them. 

The sonic vibrations of each spoken or mentally thought syllable exist in the universe forever. 

The presiding deity of the mantra 

Each mantra has a presiding deity to whom it was revealed and attains divine self-realization by meditating on it. The particular deity of a specific mantra is the manifestation of the higher self who bestows the powers, fulfillments and supreme realization to the seeker. When we meditate on the particular deity our heart becomes illuminated with his light, divine love and we attain super consciousness.

 Mantras are often associated with a particular deity and by chanting the mantra you activate the archetypal energies associated with that deity. It's important to remember that the deities are really a projection of your true self. By chanting these mantras, you are simply activating the energies already lying dormant within you.

Traveling medium for the mantra
A mantra is like a vibration hence needs a specific kind of medium for traveling. Generally, the sound can travel in the air, solid and water medium.Any word or mantra uttered silently or forcibly produces molecular waves, gross, subtle, or more subtle. These waves spread throughout the universe. Gross part of the sound must have a liquid, a gas, or a solid medium through which it can travel, it cannot travel through the vacuum. But subtle parts of the sound waves travel in the subtle mediums. A perfect vacuum is defined as a state with no matter particles, and also no photos. This state is impossible to achieve experimentally because it is nearly impossible to remove the matter, and is impossible to eliminate all the photons. Since there is also some energy available, virtual particles can hop into and out of existence. So a perfect state of Vacuum is impossible. There are infinite numbers of subtle mediums, we are not aware of them due to our limited knowledge. 

Waves are a movement of rhythmic vibrations in a medium. These waves transmit their energy through a medium/space/plane, which is supposed to be elastic in nature.

There are infinite mediums or dimensions of planes filling the same space and inter-penetrating one another.

Each plane of existence has a unique form of integrated state of vibration through which the all possible lower dimensional vibrations are being derived by the process of differentiation.
Each plane of integrated vibration has a unique degree of elasticity and a characteristic frequency, energy, and wavelength. The elasticity and subtlety of the basic substance of a plane increase with the further subdivision of plane.

The physical form of the mantra or the spoken sound waves appears to travel in the gross medium of solid, liquid and gas, but the subtle energy of the emotions of  the mantra travels in the Manas or Mind-Substance filling all space like ether and the subtlest energy of intention of mantra travels in Akash -Substance which is still finer than Manas -substance and  present everywhere. 

More subtle the medium is, higher the vibrational energy/frequency of its particles.

Soild medium > liquid medium > gas medium > ether medium > Manas mediuam > Akash medium 

Manas and Akash substance serve as the traveling medium for the emotion and intention of the mantra. When a mantra crosses Manas and Akash - substance it gives rise to a specific vibration and travel in the direction of the desired deity of that mantra.

What is Mantra -chanting or Japa?  

Each mantra is chanted in a repeated, rhythmic and continuous manner that creates a stream of specific vibration in the universe, which creates a pattern of rhythmic resonate in the mind of the seeker, producing purity, divinity, spirituality and desired effects in the mind and the life of the seeker.

Chanting is also known as Japa, The meaning of ‘Ja’ is stopping of birth and ‘Pa’ means the destruction of sins. Hence Japa means that which destroys our sins and stops the vicious cycle of repeated birth and death.

Continuity and rhythm are essential ingredients of chanting

Science behind Mantra-chanting   

Each mantra acts like a bridge between the seeker and the presiding deities of those specific mantras. Generally the ordinary sound vibrations travel in all directions but in the case of mantras, the words are arranged in such a way that these vibrations make a unique kind of spiral spring connection to the deity of that specific mantra, and the echo of that mantra returns back with the added divine and subtle qualities of that deity to the aspirant.
A mantra is like a Boomerang. Whatever spell or mantra you send out of your mind in the universe, comes back to you. Energy has a 'boomerang' effect - the energy you emanate will return to you. So be very careful of your's choice of the mantra.
The science of mantra or spells is very ancient and widely practiced in all parts of the world as a powerful purifying and transforming tool leading to concentration, absorption, and illumination.

The mantra is a force like gravitational, electrical and magnetism. Every word of the mantra has a specific weight, shape, size, form, power, color and quality.

The rhythmic utterance of a mantra can create a specific pattern of waves in the universe which have a definite frequency, vibration, and energy. The sound vibrations produced during mantra chanting are mechanical waves which always requires a medium [like solid liquid and gas] for their transmission.

Mantra chanting -sound acoustics 
  A sound is actually the interruption or disturbance of mechanical energy that propagates through physical objects as a wave. It is measured in Hz. Acoustics is defined as the science that deals with the production, control, transmission, reception, and effects of sound.

Mantras are directly related to uttering and sound emanating from it and hence it is called Sound Science. By chanting a specific mantra, we are actually producing certain sound waves in a fine-tuned frequency into the universe which will then reflect back to us. There are different sounds and vibrations made by different chants. These vibrations affect the body and mind in different ways. Chants are like a tuning fork that affects us tremendously.

Existence is vibration. Modern science is proving that whole existence is just a vibration of energy. 

Everything is in a state of vibration, from the electrons moving around the nucleus of an atom, to planets and distant galaxies moving around stars. As they’re creating movement, they are creating vibration, and this vibration can be perceived of as sound. So everything is creating a sound, including the sofa that we’re sitting on, or this table, or our bodies. Every organ, every bone, every tissue, every system of the body is creating a sound. Even the thoughts, feelings, emotions and intentions also create sound vibrations but we are not able to hear these subtle sound because the human ears can hear a sound that has 20 Hz as minimum and 20,000 Hz as maximum sound vibrations.   

These varied sounds cause specific vibrations thereby making different waves with different amplitudes. The amplitudes of the waves cause the brain to sympathetically resonate depending upon the shape of the wave. Chants can be as simple as those with only a seed sound or as complex as a Vedic chant.

The use of mantra is like creating a generator. It creates a sound wave, this wave has energy in it, and this energy can be used to do work. The work done is achieved with the choice of the mantra and even more importantly…intent.

The relation of Mantra Japa or chanting in a certain manner too is conjoined to this swift rotational movement.  As a result, such a circle or spiral emerges from the well-woven words of Mantras that by moving speedily in a well defined circular path returns to the Mantra chanting devotee. While returning it is accompanied by such a powerful army of thoughts and sacred sentiments present in Mantras that can be termed inspiration of Mantra’s deity, invisible divine help or miracle of Mantra Power. Yet what happens is that slowly but surely this energy starts controlling the life of the Mantra chanting devotee.

It is well known that there are many frequencies of sound (subsonic and supersonic) which are not audible to human ears. 98% of the sounds around you are not heard, only 2% of whatever is happening around you is heard. Your hearing is selective and falls in the audible range of frequency 20 Hz to  20,000 Hz.

Where there is vibration, there is sound and vice versa. Even our thoughts, feelings, emotions and intentions have sound vibrations, due to our limited audible range, we can't perceive those subtle sound vibrations.  

 In the case of every mantra, it is the pattern and strength of vibrations and energy generated by its chant, not its linguistic structure, grammar or the word-meaning that play the key role in making the mantra so effective. Gross sounds produce gross vibrations and subtle sounds produce subtle vibrations. Subtle vibrations are far more powerful than the gross ones. So the vibrations of feelings, thoughts, and intention are much higher than the vibrations of spoken words. It is well known that velocity of sound is much less than the velocity of light, and velocity of light is much less than the velocity of thoughts and velocity of thoughts is much less than the velocity of intention.

the velocity of sound < velocity of light < velocity of thoughts < velocity of intention

What is mantra siddhi?

Siddhi means the accomplishment of psychic powers.
When a mantra sadhana is done for the fulfillment of specific intention /vow taken, then accomplishment of that intention is considered the siddhi of the mantra.
When a mantra sadhana is done with a desire to attain the Shakti/power associated with that mantra/deity, then accomplishment of such power is considered as Siddhi

The state where the energy represented by a god-form can be invoked is called mantra siddhi. Every devata is said to be mantra-baddha ( bound ), that is, the devata is obliged to fulfill the purpose for which the mantra/devata is invoked

The science behind Mantra- chanting Need for modulation of mantra waves

The vibrations carried via the air medium are audible (i.e. recognized by the sensors of our ears) if they fall into the frequency range of 20 to 20,000 cycles per second in general. we cannot hear the infrasound – produced by the vibrations of frequencies much lower than 20 cps, and the ultrasound – generated by vibrations of frequencies much higher than 20,000 cps.  The propagation of the sound is hindered or reflected back whenever its carrier medium is blocked. 

Propagation of sound via radio waves( modulation )  amplifies its velocity up to the order of 186000 miles per second or more. This is how the radio stations can communicate from one end of the globe to the other in a matter of a few seconds. 

When a sound source ceases in a space, the sound waves will continue to reflect off the hard wall, floor and ceiling surfaces until it loses enough energy and dies out. Soundwave vibrations produced by mantra chanting have transmission energy losses in the medium because of our limited range of vocal cord capability and the friction offered by the medium particles.

Hence the divine vibrations of the particular mantra might not reach its final destination of the desired deity due to severe energy losses in the medium.

Hence modulation of the mantra waves is required.

Modulation is the process of facilitating the transfer of information over a medium by mixing low-frequency wave [information signal] to a much higher frequency wave [carrier wave].

Like in a radio transmission the basic audio sound waves are added to the radio wave of having much higher frequency known as the carrier wave to produce a new signal of higher potency which can be successfully sent in the medium to the desired destination. In the final receiving destination, the desired signals are decoded to achieve the original copy of the sound wave.

 As we know in increasing order ........

the velocity of sound < velocity of light < velocity of thoughts < velocity of intention 

So in order to minimize the transmission energy losses,   Mantra sound waves are modulated over the waves of thoughts, and intentions. The gross or the physical part of the mantra such as the spoken sound vibrations appears to travel in the medium like solid, liquid and gas. But the subtle energies of the mantra travel in the Manas or Mind-Substance and Akash - Substance filling all space like
 ether and serve as a vehicle for the mantra. 

What are Brainwaves?

Your brain is made up of billions of brain cells called neurons, and your neurons (just like the rest of your body) use electricity to communicate with each other. As you can probably imagine, these millions of neurons sending signals all at once produces an enormous amount of electrical activity in your brain, and this can actually be detected using medical equipment like an electroencephalography (EEG), which measuring electricity levels over areas of your scalp.

When you graph the electrical activity of your brain using EEG, you generate what is called a brainwave pattern, which is called a “wave” pattern because of its cyclic, wave-like nature.

At the root of all our thoughts, emotions and behaviors are the communication between neurons. Brain waves are produced by synchronized electrical pulses from masses of neurons communicating with each other

The brainwave patterns are generally categorized like this:

Brain Waves
Left and Right Brain 

The left brain, also known as the ‘reasoning’ brain, controls the conscious mind and logic and reasoning abilities. Information is processed systematically and slowly, in small quantities.

A person with left-brain dominance typically fares well in areas like logical reasoning and analytical processes.

The right brain or ‘visualisation’ brain controls the subconscious mind, imaging ability, creative development, and intuitive senses.  The right brain typically processes huge chunks of information quickly and has remarkable memory retention abilities.
A person with right-brain dominance tends to be more expressive, creative and intuitive by nature.
Conscious and Subconscious mind 

The conscious mind is that part of our mind which is responsible for our thinking and act while we are in the awaken state. For example, talking, executing our tasks, whatever we do when we are active.

The subconscious mind is that part of our mind which remains in a dormant state when we are getting the work done by conscious mind.
The language of the subconscious mind is that of feelings, images, sounds, tastes, and smells. In other words, sensory stimulation. Even imaginary ideas are powerful enough to create positive changes.

The conscious mind is that part of our mind which is responsible for our thinking and act while we are in the awaken state. For example, talking, executing our tasks, whatever we do when we are active.

The unconscious mind is that part of our mind which remains in a dormant state when we are getting the work done by conscious mind.

Correlation between conscious/subconscious mind  and left/ right brain

It is a proven scientific fact that the left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex is the one that is called upon to handle things that involve matters of logic, such as, reasoning, analysis, numbers, and words. The right hemisphere of the brain, on the other hand, controls visualization, daydreaming, pattern recognition, color, images, and imagination.

Since the conscious mind typically assigns itself to tasks of logic and analysis, it ties itself closely to left brain activity. The subconscious, on the other hand, associates itself with the rich symbol processing of the right brain.
Therefore, communicating with the subconscious typically entails getting the left brain to “step aside” to allow us direct communication with the right brain, which controls most of our behavior.

The left brain centers associated with our sensory and learning processes are often used for routine functions and limited purpose only. We therefore mostly remain unaware of the extraordinary potentials hidden in these ‘intelligent centers’ of the right brain, which account for extrasensory perceptions and Evolution at the level of consciousness.

Correlation between mantra and brain waves and states of consciousness  

All four  (Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, ), and each frequency is measured in cycles per second (Hz) and has its own set of characteristics representing a specific level of brain activity and a unique state of consciousness.

Beta brain waves are associated with " conscious mind " --while alpha, theta, and delta are connected with " subconscious mind "When you meditate your brain goes from Beta 25 Hz to Alpha 8-12 Hz and then to Theta 4-7 Hz.  Alpha brain state is at the border between the conscious and subconscious world. 

In general, the slower the frequency of your brain waves, the more relaxed you feel.
Generally, we chant mantra when we are in beta brain frequency,  Beta brainwave frequency is state associated with over-thinking and worry. Chanting a mantra with the conscious mind or with beta brain frequency affects only left side brain and the right side brain or subconscious mind remains unaffected. All forms of worship, siddhi and chanting are successful due to the sub-conscious mind. 
Seeing it from a more scientific point of view, accessing deeper levels of subconsciousness entails entering into states of mind that correspond to the Alpha, Theta, and Delta brainwave range below the threshold of waking consciousness (Beta brainwaves).  At these levels, the mind can be conditioned to deep learning, intentions, self-healing, re-patterning behaviors and accessing deep self-knowledge.
All mantras – of any language – work only by the power of subconscious mind. More it affects the subconscious mind the more are the chances of success. 

An alpha activity in the brain can be seen during the Mantra Chanting

Also, Mantra affects subconscious mind, it has different impressions on the subconscious, thinking patterns are affected, negative impressions can be removed from subconscious such as fear, anger, jealousy etc. also positive impressions can be programmed in the subconscious. The practice of Mantra increases concentration, memory, logical thinking.

The importance of Alpha Brainwaves? 

Alpha brain waves are brain wave activity with oscillations that range from 8 Hz to 12 Hz (cycles per second). Alpha state links conscious mind to subconscious mind. This is an important state and in this state even though body and mind are in a relaxed state the person is alert. We feel healthy and peaceful, mentally balanced and we find solutions to problems.

The Alpha frequency is the gateway that leads to deeper states of consciousness.
 Most people are in an alpha state during the short time immediately before they fall asleep and second when they awake, the conscious nervous system switches over to the subconscious.

 Alpha is ‘the power of now’, being here, in the present. Alpha is the resting state for the brain. Alpha waves aid overall mental coordination, calmness, mind/body integration and learning.

The Alpha brainwave state is actually considered the brain’s most normal functioning state. But, we seem to spend less and less time functioning in alpha. One consequence of this is the brain actually forgets how to produce alpha waves. This means we tend to feel more stressed and less able to cope with the strain stress induces on your health. So, the result is a greater chance of getting stress-related disorders and diseases. Anxiety and stress have a dramatic impact on lowering the strength of your immune system.
Generating more alpha waves makes you feel less anxious and more relaxed as the harmony between your mind and body is restored. Scientists have shown that highly creative people like artists, actors and even entrepreneurs tend to spend more of their time in alpha brainwave states. This is because creativity requires a surge of alpha brainwave activity.

Most people are in an alpha state during the short time immediately before they fall asleep and when the conscious nervous system switches over to the subconscious. Alpha is also the home of the window frequency known as the Schumann Resonance or pulse (heartbeat) of Earth has been 7 .83 cycles per second, which is the resonant frequency of the earth's electromagnetic field. The earth vibrates on the frequency of 7.83 Hz, in the alpha range of brain frequency. The alpha waves are approximately 8-12 Hertz and represent the brainwave when we are awake but very relaxed. So our relaxed brain waves are the same as the frequency of the earth! When 2 vibrating systems are in resonance with each other, a rise in the amplitude of the waves takes place.  

Alpha waves can be seen as the "relaxing waves". Besides being quite relaxing, they also have an extremely important role to play in the human mind. They work as a bridge between the subconscious part of the mind (theta, delta waves) and the conscious part of the mind (beta waves).

Another very important aspect of the Alpha brain waves is that work as a bridge between the subconscious part of the mind (Theta waves) and the conscious part of the mind (Beta waves). Information, feelings, creativity, memories, which are deep down in one's mind, cannot become conscious if there is no bridge (no Alpha waves), between the two states of mind.
The connection between Alpha Brain Waves and Right Brain

The alpha wave is typically produced by the right hemisphere of the brain, but often is synchronized across both right and left hemispheres on an EEG.

Alpha brain waves are present in deep relaxation,, usually when the eyes are closed when you’re dropping into a day-dream or during light meditation. It is an optimal time to help the mind in its quest for success and also heightens your imagination, visualization, memory, learning, and concentration.

It is the gateway to your subconscious mind and lies at the base of your conscious awareness. The voice of Alpha is your intuition, which becomes clearer and more profound the more you access it consciously

It is at the Alpha-Theta border, from 7 to 8Hz., where the optimal range for visualization, mind programming and using the creative power of your mind begins. At this frequency, you are conscious of your surroundings however your body is in a deep state of relaxation.

Alpha is the best brainwave frequency where both left and right brains or conscious and subconscious minds work in a synchronizing way with the resonant frequency of the earth's electromagnetic field.

Hence for the success in any sadhana, mantra chanting, prayer the brain emitting alpha brain frequency is the first condition. 
Mantra chanting and alpha brain waves State 
There are four major brainwaves, beta, alpha, delta, and theta. When beta waves are predominant in our brain, then the area of external activity (physical, muscular, nervous, emotional and intellectual) is dynamic in our personality. We can relate that activity to the state of wakefulness. As we chant a mantra the frequency of beta brainwaves gradually subsided, and slowly alpha waves took over. Alpha waves represent a state of physiological as well as psychological relaxation. If somebody were to record our brainwaves after chanting or meditation practice there would be an increase in the alpha waves, because in those conditions we are not facing the distractions of the external world.

Chanting works to balance both hemispheres of the brain, forcing them to work in harmony known as brain synchronization. 

Biological generation of scalar waves occurs when the left and right sides of the human nervous system are working together in balance. A person who has access to both sides of their brain is generating scalar waves and is, therefore, more in touch with higher levels or higher dimensions of functioning.

The synchronized brain creates alpha brain waves and 
Your mind will become more awakened, focused, deep, more powerful yet peaceful. By integrating both hemispheres of your brain and allowing them to work in sync, you will experience an increase in overall mental health, enhancing cognitive performance, better memory, and intellectual functioning.

You will begin to notice a limitless supply of insightful thoughts, with far less anger, anxiety, depression, addiction. You will be happier, more optimistic while feeling more "at one" with the world. All of these benefits do build one on top of the other, accumulating over time.

Why  Mantra Siddhi is so difficult in modern days?

The entire success of mantra depends on the sub-conscious mind. All mantra of any language works only by the power of the sub-conscious mind. Language affects only the conscious mind but feeling, emotions, intention reside inside our sub-conscious mind. 

Generally, we chant mantra being in the state of beta brain frequency which affects our left brain or conscious mind, Our subconscious mind or the right brain remains unaffected. Mantra chanting with beta frequency hampers the velocity of the mantra of and do not bring any desired effect. 

All forms of worship, siddhis, prayers, and spiritual success are due to the activation of the sub-conscious mind. More the sub-conscious mind is involved in mantra chanting more the chances of success are. 

The connection between Mantra -chanting, brains hemispheres  and alpha brain waves 

The whole science of mantra Shastra concerns itself with the vibrations and enlivenment of the nervous system. The entire success of mantra depends on the subconscious mind. All mantra of any language works only by the power of subconscious mind. Our entire life is the result of impressions on the subconscious mind. More it affects the subconscious mind or right brain the more are the chances of success. Alpha state is the state of partial conscious and partially unconsciousness state. In deeper alpha state only 10 % of the conscious mind is active only to chant the mantra. The subconscious mind is the biggest transmitter of the world, It transmits our thoughts at an unbelievable speed anywhere in the universe beyond time and space. 

    No mantra is successful without the help of subconscious mind and alpha brain state.  

What is humming bee intonation of Mantra?

The humming bee intonation of mantra consists of making a deep, soft humming bee-like sound while exhaling. The humming bee sound intonation has a very calming effect on the nerves and the mind. It induces a meditative state by harmonizing the mind and directing the awareness inward.

Mantra Chanting in Humming bee intonation can activate subconscious mind 

 Mantra intonation balances both brains and stimulates the alpha activity in the brain. The considerable increase in alpha waves activity indicates a deeply relaxed and focused brain. Alpha brain waves are a door for the subconscious mind.

What is Tratak?

 Trataka means 'to gaze steadily at a fixed point' and there are two forms of the practice. One is 'bahiranga' or external tratak and the other is 'antaranga' or internal tratak. Bahiranga is easier to practice because one simply has to gaze at an object or symbol. However, antaranga tratak involves clear and stable inner visualization of an object.

Mantra chanting during tratak can active subconscious mind 

As we know our right side brain or subconscious mind thinks in terms of images and symbols During tratak the impression of the object falls on the optic nerves. The shadow of the object falls on the eyes and then on the retina. The optic nerves of the retina are connected by the sensory nerves of the brain. The brain has several centers which are connected with the optic nerves. These centers receive information through the optic nerves and send out commands. Many of these centers are asleep or inactive. Trataka does not merely increase the function of perception. Through the medium of perception, the centers of the brain which remain inactive in an ordinary person are awakened. The man is capable of becoming a superman if he is able to awaken and activate those glands and nerve centers which in the natural course of evolution are in an inactive state.

During the practice of Tratak, the subconscious mind gets activated and it is possible that some repressed memories and traumas may surface. Alpha waves are often seen in a relaxed individual with eyes closed. Normally the alpha rhythm is blocked when the eyes are opened. During Trataka alpha activity not only persisted but also increased slightly. The visual stimuli could not block the alpha rhythm as they became less sensitive to the external stimulation. The increase in alpha activity is an indication of a pleasant mood, less mental disturbance, absorptive, the high state of one-pointedness and no fluctuation of ideas or thrusts in the mind of the practitioners.

What are Psychic symbols? 

Psychic- symbols are the symbolic or pictographic condensed thought patterns or forms which can anchor your consciousness. In mantra chanting, loss of awareness and sleep are the biggest obstacles which reduce its potency.

Chanting a mantra while concentrating on three types of psychic- symbols like subtle, medium and gross, the seeker can easily concentrate his vague awareness.

Reiki symbols, Cross, AUM sign, the Pentacle, fire, mystic images etc are used as the psychic- symbols.
Psychic symbols can activate the right Brain to produce Alpha brain waves 
Mantra chanting can activate your conscious mind or left brain but your unconscious mind or right brain remains wavering to all irrelevant topics, visions, and thoughts.

As soon as you visualize a psychic- symbol in the third eye chakra or in your subconscious plane, instantaneously your unconscious mind reaches to a very high degree of concentration, releasing an extremely high frequency of thought wave vibrations which can effectively travel to any corner of the universe.

The pictographic thought patterns or forms used as a psychic-symbol are of extremely high frequency hence needed an even finer medium for their transmission.
Like electromagnetic waves travels in ether medium the psychic- Symbols or the condensed symbolic mental images travels in the Manas -Substance. Which is made up of the superfine particle of consciousness filling the entire universe.

When a psychic- symbol crosses the Manas- Substance it gives rise to tremendous high-frequency vibrations and travels in the direction of the desired deity of that particular mantra.
The frequency and the energy of the thought waves are much higher than the sound waves.
Hence to minimize the transmission energy losses which occurs during mantra chanting, the psychic -symbols of extremely high frequency and energy are used as a vehicle to carry the mantra to its destination.

Continuously chanting mantra from your conscious mind and simultaneously drawing psychic -symbols in your third eye chakra in your subconscious mind plane, and chanting internally the name of the psychic symbols can produce a series of extremely high-frequency vibrations which can cross any barrier or disturbance present in the universe.
For e.g. from your conscious mind, you may utter any famous spell or a mantra like Gayatri mantra, Christ spell, angels or archangels spells etc, and simultaneously drawing reiki symbols or any other pictographic symbols in your third eye chakra and chanting internally or subconsciously their names [ name of Reiki symbols].

Consciously uttering or whispering a mantra from your mouth and subconsciously drawing reiki symbols and uttering their names inside can powerfully connect you to the extreme high vibrational entities/deities present in the outer world.

The left brain controls speech and language and right brain controls feelings,  emotions, and intentions.

So the conscious chanting of mantra activates the left brain or our conscious mind and series of sound waves are produced, but when we constantly draw psychic symbols in our third eye center our right brain or subconscious mind immediately become activated and a series of a  very higher frequency of subtle waves are generated from the right brain. Instantaneously in this process, the lower sound energy waves generated by left brain got modulation by the very higher energy subtle waves of emotions and intentions generated by the right brain.

When the modulated mantra crosses the Manas- Substance of the universe it gives rise to tremendous high-frequency vibrations and travels with the hypervelocity in the direction of the desired deity of that particular mantra.

So mantra siddhi becomes very easy by using the science of synchronicity of left and right brains or by the science of synchronicity of conscious and subconscious minds.
Three  miracle technique for mantra siddhi 

For half an hour every day:
  1. Chant Mantra in humming bee manner or do intonation of mantra. First inhale deeply and then chant the mantra with the exhaling breath producing the sound of humming bee. This creates vibrations inside the body which change the mental patterns of the brain. 
  2. Consciously uttering or whispering a mantra from your mouth and subconsciously drawing reiki symbols or any other psychic symbolS in your third eye and uttering their names inside can powerfully the subconscious mind. 
  3. Mantra chanting while doing inner or outer tratak without straining the eyes and brain.

Select any of the above-mentioned methods of mantra chanting, according to your choice. By regular practice, you will achieve knowledge of mantra power through your own experience. There is nothing higher than self-experience and there is no joy greater than practicing mantra -sadhana.

Geeta Jha

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